The English Language is the most commonly spoken language in the world.
The English language is also the most complicated language to learn, for it is considered the ‘great borrower’.
Many talented and ambitious yingeleit in our community find a large obstacle that obstructs their path to success even before they begin their journey. Communication in English.
Indeed, the english language is the language of most businesses. Yet there is no need to fluster when you can get help.
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Learn from the best
Here at Viewpoint we settle for nothing other than the absolute best. Starting with our full team of teachers, mentors, and advisors who all possess a vast knowledge and intrinsic understanding of the field, and continuing with our in depth curriculum; we set high standards. The English Language curriculum is geared for those who want to learn how to properly communicate in English, through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. You will learn how to write and speak with proper grammar so that you can impress professionalism and expertise to whoever you meet along your business journey. Our course covers the grounds speedily, all the while ensuring that you comprehend the lessons. Our individual attention and support ensures that no student falls behind, and assigns homework for you to further develop and improve the new skills taught, outside of actual class sessions. One who fully applies himself to the study graduates as a confident and useful member of the workforce. Our previous students bear witness to that. We pride ourselves with all Viewpoint alumni who have used this course to climb the tall ladder of success. Their achievements drive us forward.Curriculum
- 1 Section
- 0 Lessons
- 13 Weeks
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- ObjectiveLearn how to properly communicate in English, and present yourself as an intelligent and professional individual to all those you need to impress.0
The course itself takes 12-14 weeks, but it's important to note that learning a language is a ever learning journey. But worry not, the teacher will provide you with the necessary tools, so you can become self-sufficient.
You don't need to be a geek, in order to participate in the english course. In fact we recommend combining the English course together with our Computer course as a single package, so you can become a professional and prepare yourself for the business world. Talk to your training advisor for more info.
Yep! Our unique way of training starts from a beginners level, all the way through, learning complex vowel sounds, proper grammar rules, writing esses.
- Understanding the Yiddish language
- Knowing the english Alphabet
- 😊 Dedicated staff
- 🎯 One-on-one mentorship
- 📏 Success measure tool
- 🎥 Video recording access
- 🌐 Online participation
Target audiences
- Yiddish speaking men
- People looking to advance in English
- Preparing for an office job
- Advancing in Math and civics
- Acquiring a general education